March 16, 2023
The new and improved OmgevingsAlert dashboard for municipalities is online! This means a complete re-design and the adding of different new features. Next to this the dashboard’s performance and the presentation of information is improved. Becasue of this all functionalities are better to find.
The [OmgevingsAlert App](Mobiele app met buurt- en vergunningsinformatie) is for everybody. This app keeps you up-to-date on all permits and announcements from the municipality about your neighbourhood. For residents of affiliated municipalities the app can be used for free, everybody else can make use of the app for a small fee. Notifications can be set in ranges of different locations.
Next to the app, there is [OmgevingsAlert Pro](Omgevingsmanagement voor vastgoedbeheerders) for property managers. In this dashboard, managers can set different locations for different properties and get all announcements for their properties in one place. The users of OmgevingsAlert Pro now include supermarkets Lidl and Albert Heijn, property manager Hinke Fongers Beheer and Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, as well as wholesaler Sligro.
The data can be overseen from one clear dashboard for municipalities and property managers. Property managers can create different objects, houses, office spaces, construction sites and/or other locations with differing ranges around them. Municipalities can check their announcements, manage them and interact with their citizens. A citizen can react to an announcement. which makes the communication between the two more accessible.
In the new dashboard for municipalities all relevant data is shown in a clearer way than before. Because of that all statistics are easily accessible and can be read within a glance. This includes number of users, the amount of announcements and more statistics are on their way. The most important new feature is the possibility for municipalities to create custom messages. These can be created and published using the dashboard with a location and weblink added to them. Is there a neighbourhoud participation evening? Is there a survey about the use of an empty building? All of this can be communicated using the OmgevingsAlert dashboard. Reactions from citizens can be managed through the inbox of the dashboard. Therefore it is easier and faster to act on mistakes.
Are you interested in using the new and improved dashboard as a municipality or property manager? Contact us at info@omgevingsalert.nl. We also do presentations and demonstrations of all functionalities. If you are already a client of OmgevingsAlert, we will send you a follow-up e-mail with a more in-depth explanations of the new features.