A reliable place to park your bike

Client and context


What has been developed?
An Android app was developed for the 'ParkMyBike' platform. With this app users are able to rent, open and close safes. Furthermore, users can use this app to settle their billing invoice and see their renting history. All safes in the vicinity of the user are shown in the app, guiding the user to the closest safe.
The app also provides functionality for maintenance personnel. Maintenance personnel have access rights to a specific group of safes, which allows them to service these safes. Maintenance personnel can see the status of safes and open them.
An iOS app was developed for the 'ParkMyBike' platform. With this app users are able to rent, open and close safes. Furthermore, users can use this app to settle their billing invoice and see their renting history. All safes in the vicinity of the user are shown in the app, guiding the user to the closest safe.
The app also provides functionality for maintenance personnel. Maintenance personnel have access rights to a specific group of safes, which allows them to service these safes. Maintenance personnel can see the status of safes and open them.
An API was developed to facilitate communication with the database in the cloud. API stands for Application Programming Interface; the bridge between an app and the data in the cloud.
For the 'ParkMyBike' platform it's quite important that users are notified of certain events - like a safe closing - as quickly as possible. To implement fast and guaranteed communication, websockets are used. Websockets open a direct line of communication between the server and the app, allowing an uninterrupted stream of data between these parties.
A helpdesk was needed to support the platform. To allow this helpdesk to fix user issues a dashboard was created. Administrators can use this dashboard to solve user tickets and plan maintenance.
The dashboard behaves differently depending on which type of user is logged in. Customer support staff are able to log in to this dashboard to see the status of reservations and see invoices billed to the user. Location managers are able to log in and open safes, lock safes and track down problems.
To develop the dashboard NuxtJS was used. NuxtJS is a web application framework based on Vue.js, Node.js, Webpack and Babel.js. The browser loads this Javascript framework, creating a dynamic website.
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